The code is getting a bit hard to follow with everything in one file, we can use some code organization features to better organize (see this and this), particularly when we will later add more instance types and examples. If you are using Visual Studio, see this regarding Visual Studio and the order that .fs files appear in the solution pane. Generally, all definitions must come before use so the input files need to be arranged as such, although there are provisions for mutual recursion.
F# namespaces are an organization of modules, classes and other namespaces, meant to be used to group these elements together, possibly hierarchically. They are not necessary, but can be used to avoid naming conflicts — in larger programs the same union member or class name may appear and namespaces can be used to distinguish them. This will arise for us later as well.
F# modules are also used for organization. According to this, you can think of them like static classes in C++ or C# and are mostly used to group together related functions. All functions are ultimately part of a module, however if a source code file does not include a namespace or module declaration then it is automatically placed into a module with the same name as the file — note we haven’t used these declarations to this point so everything we’ve done was placed in an unnamed module. The open statement works like an include from other languages to bring external defintions in. There is also an [<AutoOpen>]
attribute that can be specified for a module, this makes all of the contents of the module visible externally for other modules in the same namespace without explicitly using the open
So let’s start by moving the DiscreteVar
into a separate file, this is the content of the DiscreteVarTypes
file now:
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namespace BandBapplication [<AutoOpen>] module DiscreteVariableTypes = type ZeroOneVarSetting = | Unset (* this is a discriminated union type in F# *) | One | Zero static member isUnset a = match a with | Unset -> true | _ -> false |
As can be seen, we placed the DiscreteVarTypes
module in the BandBapplication
namespace. We will place all of our other code in this namespace as well. We also specify the [<AutoOpen>]
attribute, so that we do not need to explicitly use open DiscreteVarTypes
in the other files in the namespace.
We next split our core branch and bound algortihm into its own .fs file, called BandB.fs
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namespace BandBapplication module BandB = let BandB f g branch unFinished node initLowestValue = let mutable bestUtility = initLowestValue; let mutable queue = [node] let mutable bestNode = node // best full sol'n found // these are only informational, not needed in the routine let mutable numberOfQueues = 1 // we just queued the start, so 1 let mutable numberOfEvals = 0 // number of times we evaluated the function with all vars set while not queue.IsEmpty do match queue with | curNode :: restOfQueue -> if unFinished curNode then let toQueue = branch g bestUtility curNode queue <- toQueue @ restOfQueue numberOfQueues <- numberOfQueues + toQueue.Length else let util = f curNode numberOfEvals <- numberOfEvals + 1 if util > bestUtility then (* Any assumptions? *) bestUtility <- util bestNode <- curNode queue <- restOfQueue // we've processed curVars, take it off the queue | _ -> () // queue isempty, do nothing printfn "BandB: total settings queued = %d, total number of evals: %d" numberOfQueues numberOfEvals (bestUtility, bestNode) |
I am uncomfortable with setting bestNode
on line 8 to the initial search node as it is not a full solution (indeed the opposite). I think it is better defined as an optional type but leave it for now
I took the liberty of making a few name changes here. These will make more sense as we add different problem types for the solver. The unsetVars
function was renamed unFinished
— the meaning is that a full solution setting has not yet been reached. The vars
argument was renamed node
to reflect that it is a node in the branch and bound search tree (see figures on prior pages). When this node is ‘finished’ then it means that all descisions have been selected, in the case of knapsack this means that all variables are set to Zero or One. A ‘node’ for knapsack is a partial setting of its variables, hence it was called vars
And then we split the functions particular to the 0-1 knapsack into their own file, called knapsack01
. At the same time as doing this, I removed the active pattern match for the bound estimates against the bestUtility found as now we are also considering feasibility of the search node and its descendants (this will change once again later – its a development process).
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let branchknap wlimit g bestUtility vars = let unsetVarIndex = unsetVarIndex vars // should only be called when there are Unset vars, so no -1 check let varArrayZero = vars |> Array.mapi (fun index var -> if index = unsetVarIndex then {var with Setting = Zero} else var) let varArrayOne = vars |> Array.mapi (fun index var -> if index = unsetVarIndex then {var with Setting = One} else var) let gEstimateZero = g varArrayZero let gEstimateOne = g varArrayOne // not only use g but also ensure feasibilty! let zeroMakesWeight = (knapmultiplySumWeight varArrayZero) <= wlimit let oneMakesWeight = (knapmultiplySumWeight varArrayOne) <= wlimit let takeZero = zeroMakesWeight && gEstimateZero > bestUtility let takeOne = oneMakesWeight && gEstimateOne > bestUtility // update the queue, first match is the match (takeZero, takeOne) with | true,true -> varArrayOne :: [varArrayZero] | true,false -> [varArrayZero] | false,true -> [varArrayOne] | _ -> [] // Neither case, nothing |
Finally, here is the main code:
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[<EntryPoint>] let main argv = (* *************************************************************************************** *) (* KNAPSACK EXAMPLE 1 *) let vars1 = [|{Name = "food"; Setting = ZeroOneVarSetting.Unset; Weight = 5.0; Utility = 8.0}; {Name = "tent"; Setting = ZeroOneVarSetting.Unset; Weight = 14.5; Utility = 5.0}; {Name = "gps"; Setting = ZeroOneVarSetting.Unset; Weight = 1.0; Utility = 3.0}; {Name = "map"; Setting = ZeroOneVarSetting.Unset; Weight = 0.5; Utility = 3.0} |] let weightLimit1 = 16.0 let vars1Sorted = (Array.sortBy (fun elem -> -elem.Utility / elem.Weight) vars1) // still have this let gknap1 = knapestimator weightLimit1 let knapAnyUnset = Array.exists (fun (elem:KnapDiscreteVar) -> ZeroOneVarSetting.isUnset elem.Setting) let branchknap1 = branchknap weightLimit1 (* Invoke *) let (solutionUtility, solutionVars) = BandB knapmultiplySumUtility gknap1 branchknap1 knapAnyUnset vars1Sorted -1.0 printfn "Best Utility = %f" solutionUtility for var in solutionVars do printfn "%A" var System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore // don't close the output window until a key is hit 0 |
The old knapmultiplySumUtility
is the f
function, and each of gknap1
and branchknap1
leverage the knapsack specific functions with the problem instance weightLimit1
value baked in.
In the downloaded code you will notice that open DiscreteVarTypes
is commented out, we don’t need this since we used the auto open feature for that module and we’re in the same namespace; of course we do use the ZeroOneVarSetting
from that module. We defined KnapDiscreteVar
here instead of in the DiscreteVarTypes
module as that variable definition is specific to the knapsack problem. Otherwise everything works just as before, we’ve just gotten our code better organized.